About Us

Our Belief

Having healthy and balanced lifestyle and good interpersonal relationship are the best ways to prevent internet addiction.

  1. Promote the awareness of healthy and safe internet use
  2. Assist individuals with internet problems and their family members to re-establish a healthy lifestyle
  3. Enhance family members and professionals’ knowledge and skills of dealing with internet addictive behaviour

Service Content

  • Case Counselling
  • Treatment Group
  • Treatment Camp (Day and Overnight Camp)
  • Online Counselling and Outreaching
  • Professional Training
  • Research
  • School and Community Talks
  • Parents Education Programme (Talks / Workshops / Groups)


Target Group and Service Application

Target Group

  • Individuals with internet problems and their family members
  • Students, parents, general public, and professionals (teachers, social workers, etc.) who are interested in knowing more about internet addiction.


Service Application

Case Counselling

Individuals with internet problems or their family members can call our hotline number on 2827 1000.

Referral can be made by faxing the referral form to 2877 9559.

Treatment Group / School and Community Talks

Service application can be made by faxing the form to 2877 9559.

Treatment Camp / Parents Education Programme / Professional Training

The above activities are held periodically. Anyone interested in joining or organizing the related programs can contact the project social workers by calling 2827 1000.

Online Counselling and Outreaching

Anyone interested in the online counselling service, can leave a message in our chatroom, WhatsApp, Facebook or email. A reply will be made during working hours.

Chatroom: http://icapt.tungwahcsd.org/page.aspx?corpname=icapt&i=561

WhatsApp: 5249 1905 / 5249 9078

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectcool01

Email: iapat-online@tungwah.org.hk